Columbia Lake Stewardship Society has completed their Annual Water Quality and Quantity Report and would like to share with you their findings.

A brief summary on their fundings can be found below:

Water Quality: 

  • Overall lake water quality is acceptable for the current uses of the lake.   However, the 2019 results differ from those of the prior five years and suggest that the growth of phytoplankton, activity on the lake or uses of the surrounding lands are having a noticeable influence on the indicator parameters used by CLSS to monitor the lake’s condition.
  • Results from monitoring 4 small streams indicate that their water quality varies considerably.

Water Quantity:

  • Work in 2019 focussed on local inflow and groundwater contributions.
  • The net outflow in October was measured as less than 2 cubic metres per second.  Such a low flow has 2 implications;

                  o   There is not an unlimited supply of water to meet future demands

                  o   The upper limit for groundwater flow from the Kootenay river is not likely to exceed 2 cubic metres per second in winter.

Click here for more information on and to read the full reports.