These wonderful folks from across the Basin assist our Network members to access scientific information, and to link the Network to scientific communities at the national and international level!

If you are interested in either serving on the Science Advisory Committee or as a resource scientist for watershed groups, please contact us.

Current Members

Maggie Romuld, Columbia Basin Watershed Network Chair
Richard Johnson, Slocan Wetlands Assessment Monitoring Program
Ian Parfitt, Selkirk Geospatial Research Centre, Selkirk College
Justin Robinson, Selkirk Geospatial Research Centre, Selkirk College
Norm Zinhert, BC Lake Stewardship Society


The Science Advisory Committee advises the CBWN Board, staff and the CBWN membership on the use and relevance of scientific knowledge to issues of watershed health.


Engage citizen science, traditional knowledge, and professional science in promoting CBWN goals of watershed health and in meeting CBWN member needs
Increase understanding of the contribution of different fields of knowledge to meeting CBWN and member goals.


1) Advise CBWN Board on watershed issues and assist CBWN Board in setting watershed health priorities;
2) Provide linkages for Basin scientific network to national and international networks;
3) Provide advice on scientific literature and sources of interest to the Network and its member groups;
4) Develop scientific referral ‘directory’ for use by CBWN members; and
5) Oversee CBWN/SGRC mapping program

The Science Advisory Committee meets on an as-needed basis, depending on program needs.

Interested in joining? Contact our Senior Manager at cbwn.coordinator (at)!